Jesse Abner (Auto) Detailing Services 213 626-2207
213 284-8270
Hinson Electric Heavy On Skills Light On Your Bills Bernard
Hinson 213 944-3993 24hrs 213 825-0010 office
800 404-1061 fax
Linda Welch Notary Public 323 299-4532
Just a Touch of Class Barber & Beauty Salon
1118 East Rosecran Avenue Inglewood, California 90221 (310) 763-0572 shop (310) 763-0587 fax (562) 415-3102
Changing Lives through the 12 Steps of Recovery.
Bernard Hinson 213 944-3993 213 825-0010
Shirley Jones Chandler Family Home (Licened Board &
Care) 9116 Crenshaw Blvd Inglewood, Cal 90305 323 777-2131
Credel Sanchez Credel's Beauty Salon 3973 S.
Western Ave L.A. Ca 90062 323 296-4998
Ricky L. Edmund Handyman
(323) 508-0617 Hm
(323) 971-4910 pager
Samuel Bingham
Insurance Agency
9100 So. Supulveda Blvd ste#214
Los Angeles, California 90045
(310) 417-3930
Bro. Allen Meredith Sis. Walta Meredith AM Vacuum Co.
3524 W. Washington Bl L.A. Ca 90018 323 737-1621
Glen Sanchez Reliable Appliances Repair 3971
S. Western Ave L.A. Ca 90062 323 291-3969
Harvey Irvin
Jackson Hewitt Tax Service
1275 South La Brea #114
Inglewood, California 90301
(310) 677-9815
Braids by Kimberly
(323) 235-2044
(323) 691-6528 cell